B1 Listening Exam 1 Part 1

Part 1

Questions 1 - 10
You are going to hear 10 passages. For questions 1 – 10, choose the correct answer A, B or C. You will hear each recording TWICE. You now have one minute to read the questions.

1. Why do Richard and Frank decide not to go swimming?
A. They would have to go to another town.
B. Richard has been sick all week.
C. They decide to go to the cinema instead.

2. What did Anna and Christina enjoy most about their holiday?
A. The expensive hotel.
B. The markets.
C. Camel riding.

3. What is the main reason why Aris is studying Spanish and English?
A. To make more friends.
B. To work abroad.
C. To help him find a job.

4. Why does Jane NOT find a blue or green dress?
A. She doesn’t like the flowered patterns.
B. Dresses in those colours are too short.
C. Those colours are not in fashion this year.

5. Which perfume does the woman buy for her sister’s birthday?
A. Oriental.
B. Peaceful.
C. Love Story.

6. Which job does Martin NOT want to do?
A. Footballer.
B. Fire fighter.
C. Doctor.

7. What do the mother and son decide to do while waiting for a bus?
A. Look for a mobile phone shop.
B. Look for a restaurant nearby.
C. Go to the café at the bus station.

8. What doctor’s appointment does the man take?
A. Friday at 6.00 pm.
B. Friday at 2.25 pm.
C. Monday at 10.30 am.

9. What kind of exercise do Lydia and Mary decide to do?
A. Judo.
B. Ballroom dancing.
C. Salsa.

10. Which show do the man and woman decide to see?
A. A ballet.
B. An opera.
C. A play.

Part 1 
1. B
2. C
3. B 
5. C
7. B
8. A
9. C 
10. B

Part One. Dialogue 1.
Richard and Frank are talking about going out at the weekend.

Frank  Would you like to go somewhere on Saturday, Richard?
Richard  Yes, I’d like to go and watch the football match but you don’t really like football do you?
Frank  No, I don’t. Can’t stand it actually. I don’t mind watching other kinds of sport though. I like rugby.
Richard  I’m not sure if there’s anything nearby this weekend. We’d have to travel to another town to watch a game. We could catch a bus or a train.
Frank  I haven’t got much money this week so I can’t afford to get there and (stress) buy a ticket for the match. We could go swimming or play some sport ourselves if you like Richard? That wouldn’t be too expensive.
Richard  We could, but I’ve had a cold this week and I don’t want to get wet or do anything too energetic.
Frank  I see. Well, there’s always the cinema?
Richard  Yes, I’m sure there are a couple of good films coming out this week.
Frank  Ok, Richard. Shall we check on the Internet and see what’s on?

Dialogue 2
Anna and Christina are discussing their last holiday.

Anna  I can’t believe it was so hot in Morocco, can you Christina? It was even hotter than when we went to Greece!
Christina  I know. I’m still a little sunburnt. I really enjoyed it though.
Anna  Oh, me too! The hotel was great, wasn’t it? And that wonderful swimming pool!
Christina  Yes, Anna. I’m always going to stay in expensive hotels now when I go anywhere. It was the best hotel I’ve ever seen.
Anna  I know. I really enjoyed the food as well. And shopping in those markets was great. I bought so many things!
Christina  Me too! I love all my new jewellery and my rug for my bedroom and my new scarves. They’re such lovely colours.
Anna  Yes, but do you know what the best thing was Christina? The rides on the camel! Yes, especially your face. You were so scared!
Christina  (a little annoyed) No, I wasn’t. I wasn’t scared at all.
Anna  You were, admit it! But it was great fun, wasn’t it. I must do it again.
Anna  Me too! I think you’re right though Anna, it was the best laugh we had all holiday!

Dialogue 3
Aris is telling Maria about his studies.

Maria  What are you studying, Aris?
Aris  I’m studying English, Spanish and Business Studies. But it’s really difficult studying two languages together.
Maria  Yes, it must be. So why did you decide to do it then?
Aris  Well, firstly because I wanted to meet some of the tourists who come to Greece in the summer.
Maria  Oh yes, you mean all the girls!
Aris  No, that’s not true! I wanted to make new friends and I thought speaking those languages would help me. I also thought it might help me to find work later on.
Maria  I understand now.
Aris  And it will give me the opportunity to work in another country. I think that’s the most important reason.
Maria  I see, good idea. Think I’ll join you. I’m going to study languages as well!

Dialogue 4
Jane and Sally are out shopping for new clothes.

Jane  I really need a new dress for the party on Saturday night.
Sally  I bought mine last week, so I’m okay. What are you looking for, Jane?
Jane  I’d like a longer length dress, with a nice pattern, maybe flowers. You know, something pretty. I really wanted a green or blue dress.
Sally  I’ve seen some dresses with flowery patterns over here. Look! This one’s nice.
Jane  Hmm, it’s quite nice, Sally, but it’s the wrong colour and it’s a bit short don’t you think?
Sally  Well, I don’t think blue and green are very popular colours this year. I haven’t seen any dresses in those colours, Jane.
Jane  No, me neither. Well, if I can’t find those colours, maybe I’ll buy something in pink. Pink always suits me. Let’s have a look over here…

Dialogue 5
A woman is buying some perfume in a shop.
Woman  Can you help me? I’m looking for some perfume called Oriental. Do you have any?
Shop assistant  No, madam. I’m sorry but we’ve sold out. It’s such a popular perfume. It sells very quickly.
Woman  Oh dear. It’s my sister’s favourite perfume. I wanted to buy her some for her birthday.
Shop assistant  Well, we have some others which are similar. This one’s called Happiness. Try this. What do you think?
Woman (sniffs) Mmm, it’s okay but a little strong. Have you something more subtle?
Shop assistant  There’s this one – Peaceful. It’s quite a soft scent.
Woman  Yes, that’s nice. And it comes in a lovely bottle. Oh, it’s a little expensive isn’t it? I don’t think I have that much money with me.
Shop assistant  Well we have one called Love Story. It’s expensive but a little cheaper than Peaceful. It’s also very similar to Oriental. Try this one.
Woman  Yes, that’s nice. I think my sister would like that one. Let me see how much it is. Well, it’s still quite expensive.
Shop assistant  Yes, but it’s worth the extra money I think.
Woman  Yes, you’re right. I’ll take it. I’m sure my sister will love it!

Dialogue 6
Martin is talking to his father.

Martin  Dad, I think I want to be a famous footballer when I grow up – you know, like David Beckham.
Father  Well, you are very good at football Martin, but not many players are as good as David Beckham. It might be a good idea to think of something else you would like to do, in case you don’t become a footballer.
Martin  I’d quite like to be a fire fighter. It’s quite a dangerous job though.
Father  I’m not sure about that. I think I’d worry about you too much.
Martin  Maybe I could be a policeman?
Father  You could. But sometimes that’s a bit dangerous too. What about being a doctor? Although you would have to study medicine for a long time.
Martin  I really want to be a footballer. And you know I don’t like studying, Dad, so I don’t think I’d be a good doctor.
Father  Well, maybe you’ll change your mind when you’re older.
Martin  Maybe. I know, I’ll be a sports journalist. Then I can watch sports and interview famous players!

Dialogue 7
A mother and son are waiting for a bus.

Mother  Now, Adam. We must catch the last bus into the city centre. Can you see the right one?
Son  No, I can’t. Oh, listen! There’s an announcement.
Announcer  There has been a change to the timetable today. The last bus to the Central Bus Station will leave one hour later than stated.
Son Great. (sarcastically). Looks like we’ve a long wait then. What shall we do? I don’t want to stay on the station for an hour.
Mother  We could go out and look for a restaurant. Are you hungry? I know I am! There must be some nice places nearby that are still open.
Son  Or I could see if any shops are open. I want to get that mobile while it’s in the sale. I’m sure there’s a phone shop near here.
Mother  We’re not looking for phone shops now. We’ll miss the bus. And the next one will be tomorrow. We’ll stay here. There’s a café over there. It doesn’t look very nice though.
Son  Ok, we’ll go and look for some food outside the station. I’m getting really hungry now too.

Dialogue 8
A man phones a doctor’s surgery to make an appointment.

Receptionist  Hello, doctor’s surgery. Can I help you?
Man  Yes, I’d like to make an appointment please for Thursday or Friday afternoon please.
Receptionist  There’s nothing on Thursday, sir. We have appointments at 1.30 or 2.25 on Friday.
Man  Isn’t there anything later? I’m in a meeting until 3 o’ clock.
Receptionist  No, I’m sorry. Oh, just a moment. We have a cancellation for 6 o’ clock.
Man  I have to take my daughter to ballet classes at that time. Okay, forget Friday. What else is available this week?
Receptionist  Do you need to see a doctor urgently?
Man  Well, no not really.
Receptionist  Well, I suggest you wait until the following week. I could give you a Monday morning appointment at 10.30.
Man  No, I can’t wait that long. My wife can take our daughter to ballet for once. I’ll take that Friday evening appointment.
Receptionist  Okay, sir. What name is it, please?
Man  Robert Jones. Okay, thank you. Goodbye.

Dialogue 9
Lydia and Mary are talking about joining an exercise class.

Lydia  I really need to do some exercise, Mary. What about you?
Mary  I certainly do. Would you like to join a keep fit class? Or what about dancing. That’s supposed to be a good way to get fit.
Lydia  I was thinking about something a bit more adventurous. What do you think of a judo or karate class?
Mary  (Laughs) Are you being serious? We’d probably hurt ourselves.
Lydia  No we wouldn’t. Okay, maybe that’s too exciting for you but I might try one day.
Mary  You can if you want but don’t invite me!
Lydia  Well, keep fit is boring, so I’m not doing that. Let’s go for dancing then. I’ve done salsa before, have you? It’s great fun!
Mary  Isn’t it a bit energetic? I thought ballroom dancing might be more suitable.
Lydia  Well, you won’t get very fit doing that type of dancing. It’s too slow.
Mary  Okay, we’ll go with your choice, then.

Dialogue 10
A man and woman are trying to decide what show to see at the theatre.

Woman  I’d like to see a play this weekend. Perhaps a comedy would be nice.
Man  Maybe, but I really wanted to hear the Russian orchestra that are playing on Sunday evening. The violinists are excellent.
Woman  I’m sure they are but we went to a concert last time we went out for the evening. I’d like to go to something different this time.
Man  As long as it’s not another ballet I don’t mind what we see.
Woman  I thought you liked ballet. You’ve never complained before. We’ve seen a lot of ballets over the years.
Man  There’s an Italian opera which has had really good reviews in all the newspapers. Or we could see the new version of Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet.
Woman  They both sound interesting. But I think the first idea is best, especially if the performance is in Italian.
Man  Okay, I’ll book the tickets.
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